"I highly suggest everyone in medicine read..."

I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my newsletter! My goal is to share inspiring stories and offer a platform where current and aspiring medical students can gain the exposure and tools necessary to succeed in their healthcare journey!

My Month:

Hey y’all!! Life has been busy in NYC as I returned from the holidays and dived straight into my Psychiatry Clerkship. It has been much slower than surgery, but I am starting to appreciate the slower pace (and shorter hours!!). The toughest thing about this year is that the expectations vary by rotation, and even vary day to day based on attending/resident.

Freebie of the Month:


If you don’t want to worry about the expectations for medical school applications, especially the personal statement, make sure to enroll in my course:


This month's freebie is the Medical School Application Tracker. There are so many moving parts in a medical school application, but this will keep you organized.


Brianna Burton, MS2, Ponce School of Medicine

Biggest Challenge: Studying for the MCAT was a significant challenge for me because I struggle with standardized testing and test anxiety. I overcame this by watching YouTube videos of other students who completed the MCAT and shared the same sentiments I did. I also documented my MCAT journey on social media and got so much support!

Advisors in Medicine: I had an advisor that played a significant role in my medical journey but not in the way many would think. My premed advisor constantly discouraged me from applying and said “you would be a fool to continue with this process, don’t even try." I remember being so heartbroken because going to medical school has been one of my biggest goals since I started college. However, I used this discouragement as motivation to move forward with applying to medical school.

Motivation: I always reflect back onto my “why” for going into medicine to begin with. That helps me stay motivated throughout.

Favorite Resource: I highly suggest everyone in medicine read “Medical Apartheid” - it truly highlights the history of medical experimentation on Black Americans and how it impacts medicine today.

Best Advice: Don’t let others discourage you from pursuing medicine. Everyone’s journey is unique. You’ll go through many struggles so it’s important to have supportive individuals in your corner.

TIP of the Month

A brain dump can help you get your thoughts down on paper and increase your self-awareness, which can decrease stress.

www.melanin-in-med.com - admin@melanin-in-med.com

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Melanin.in.Med, LLC

Hi - I'm Morgan, a second year medical student in NYC! My content across Instagram and YouTube covers my medical school journey, premed tips, faith, and food. I am committed to helping premed students get accepted (with scholarships) leading to the creation of my courses, From Applicant to Accepted!

Read more from Melanin.in.Med, LLC

Hi, Reader, welcome to the new newsletter series, WEEKLY RECAP! This will come out weekly on Sunday, recapping my week, sharing any new resources, and answering your questions! My Week This was somehow the longest and shortest week ever. I finished my pediatrics rotation and took the shelf exam on Wednesday. That wraps up rotation 6 out of 7 for my core clerkship year. Check out my Week in the Life video to see what life on pediatrics was like! Because of the holiday, we got an extended...

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