Peace out to Pediatrics - Weekly Recap

Hi, Reader, welcome to the new newsletter series, WEEKLY RECAP! This will come out weekly on Sunday, recapping my week, sharing any new resources, and answering your questions!

My Week

This was somehow the longest and shortest week ever. I finished my pediatrics rotation and took the shelf exam on Wednesday. That wraps up rotation 6 out of 7 for my core clerkship year. Check out my Week in the Life video to see what life on pediatrics was like!

Because of the holiday, we got an extended weekend!! After the shelf on Wednesday, I got in some rest and relaxation - nails with my roommate followed by my monthly massage (which is WELL worth the investment). Thursday was the holiday, so I did a picnic in the park with some friends then watched the firework show on the Hudson river.

On Friday, one of my friends (and classmates) got, of course, we had to celebrate! Another friend had a housewarming party, so it was a busy night.

Since we had the long weekend, I got most of my errands done yesterday, so I trekked to Harlem this morning for church. I am still on the search for a church home in NYC, but I think I found it this morning! I have been to a few churches in Manhattan and Brooklyn, but this morning, I felt like I was home. The music...the sermon...the people!!

Now, I am just getting ready to start my OB/GYN rotation bright and early tomorrow morning. It feels weird to say that I am starting my final rotation of clerkship year. It feels like it just began; however, when I take the time to reflect on this past year, it is evident that it has been a year full of learning anf growing. I am excited for the clinician I am becoming!


A Step by Step Guide to Crushing Medical School Interviews

My latest course just launched TODAY! We are diving into EVERYTHING you need to know about medical school interviews. Yes, I am talking closed file, open file, traditional, MMIs, and more!

This course will be launching to the public on TUESDAY. However, as a subscriber you will get early access. Use the code: EARLY, to get early access and a $20 discount.


Was medical school what you expected?

This is a question I get SO much! Medical school is tough for sure, but I think that people also over-hype the toughness. Coming from undergrad where I worked 40 hours per week while balancing my school work and extra-curriculars, I felt that I had a LOT of free time first year. It was nice to finally do things at my own pace and not always feel rushed. While there still is alot of information to learn, I felt that it was content I was interested in (especially because my medical school focuses on clinical applications rather than basic sciences) which made it easier to learn.

Things definitely got tougher during clerkship year, and life got busier, too. It is an INSANE learning curve to go from the classroom to caring for patients, but it has been rewarding.

My best advice for navigating the transition to medical school is to build a community. Your classmates will be going through the same transition and will likely have similar struggles. Build your community early on, so you can lean on each other!

Want me to answer your question next week? Respond to this email with your question!

Until Next Week,

Morgan ~ -

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Hi - I'm Morgan, a second year medical student in NYC! My content across Instagram and YouTube covers my medical school journey, premed tips, faith, and food. I am committed to helping premed students get accepted (with scholarships) leading to the creation of my courses, From Applicant to Accepted!

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